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A lot of people can loose weight, get plastic surgery, upgrade their wardrobe, earn more money, become famous...whatever they think will make them more attractive-but they still don't love themselves.

I was talking with a girl the other day. She was cute and not overweight. She had recently lost 35 pounds but sadly, she didn't love herself. The way she talked hatefully about her appearance and body it made me very sad.

I lost almost 40 pounds. And even when I was just a few pounds over the 100 mark I didn't feel that good about myself. I know a lot of girls who would kill to be that weight.

(also my energy sucked-but that's for another blog!)

But- it's about so much more than weight. It's about health, self-confidence, your energy levels, being valued and appreciated by loved ones, having healthy relationships with your food and exercise.

I think there's a lot to be said for being Ok with being just OK.

You're not perfect and will never be. I'm not super skinny and I don't want to be. I may never be a bikini competitor. I don't fit in rompers 😹 -but that's not the point! Health has never been solely about how you look- it's about how you feel (mentally, emotionally and physically)! The girl you're comparing yourself to- you don't even know her story.

I feel like more than ever i'm in a good point in my relationship with food and my body. I want you to be there too! I want you to be confident and enjoy that Ice cream (with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top)!

I want you to find your balance with food and exercise. And I don't ever want you to beat yourself up because you don't look like that fitness model on IG (trust me- she took that picture 50 times, at 6 am, on an empty stomach, and while sucking in) You're not her and you'll never have to be. BeYOUtiful no matter what place you're coming from or goals you're working on!

I made a note on my phone with this picture that says:

"Remember to love yourself!"

(I don't look at all like the girl in the 1st picture-but that doesn't matter!)

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